Benjamin Daniel McAffee


Loan Officer

NMLS # 275625

[email protected]

20 North Main Street Suite 201B
St. George, UT 84770
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Ben McAffee is known for his quick wit and ready smile. He likes to joke with and tease his business colleagues, customers, and friends alike. He connects on a very personal level with his clients and referral partners, and he both teaches and learns from his peers in his continual goal to be the exemplary loan mortgage office that places the borrower first.

Ben is well-versed in the intricacies of the complex mortgage industry which allows him to help his borrowers navigate the sometimes turbulent process. He is experienced, thoughtful, attentive and passionate about his work, but practical too. He responds to the needs, desires and concerns expressed by borrowers who seek a convenient, thorough, and manageable home loan experience.

Ben aims to make the borrower experience flawless which can be a hard goal to achieve in this stressful reality. After borrowers have worked with Ben and his smart, efficient, and always helpful team, they’ll not only know they’ve been served by some of the best in the industry, but they’ll feel it as well. A smooth transaction from start to finish puts the borrower first, and no one brings it home better than Ben and his team.

Real estate investors who seek to buy rental properties also benefit from Ben’s guidance on their transactions. He is a reservoir of knowledge for this special niche of investors whose contracts require experienced and informed tactical planning, and his investment insights help buyers make the wisest real estate decisions. He is also an expert in traditional mortgage products including conventional, FHA, VA, and reverse mortgages.

When he’s not working to ensure the borrower’s needs are taken care of, Ben retreats to the mountains with his wife Stacey to find solitude and reenergize. His children, three sons and one daughter, possess their dad’s drive and enjoy active adventures that keep the family on the go. Some of his hobbies and interests include camping, sporting events and volunteer service. He has previously served as a mentor with the Big Brothers Big Sisters program, and is active in his community.